View Full Version : Bush says

29 Sep 2007, 01:04 AM
Bush says (http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/10/20021007-8.html) (October 7th, 2002): "It (Iraq regime) possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. It is seeking nuclear weapons. It has given shelter and support to terrorism, and practices terror against its own people.

Reality: No WMD stockpiles in Iraq (http://http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/10/06/iraq.wmd.report/)

Cheney says (http://www.usatoday.com/educate/war28-article.htm): (about the Iraq invasion/war) "I think it will go relatively quickly, . . . (in) weeks rather than months."

Reality: I don't think we need a link for this one. But just in case (http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/05/25/iraq.main/index.html?eref=yahoo)...

Bush speaks in front of sign reading "Mission Accomplished (http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/10/28/mission.accomplished/)", where he stated: "The battle of Iraq is one victory in a war on terror that began on September 11, 2001, and still goes on."

But in reality: No Evidence Connecting Iraq to Al Qaeda (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A46254-2004Jun16.html) 9/11 Panel Says... The findings come in the wake of statements Monday by Vice President Cheney that Iraq had "long-established ties" with al Qaeda, and comments by President Bush yesterday backing up that assertion.

Bush says (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/08/09/iraq/main567473.shtml) (August 8th, 2003): "We've made good progress. Iraq is more secure."
He cited the reopening of banks, improvements in Iraq's infrastructure and the stirring of democracy, which Mr. Bush said "is a major shift of system in that part of the world." ... Mr. Bush said Americans have "got to understand I will not forget the lessons of Sept. 11," when America was hit with its worst ever terrorist attack.

Bush says (http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/09/18/bush.iraq/index.html) (Sept 18th, 2004): The Iraqis are defying the dire predictions of a lot of people by moving toward democracy," Bush told the paper. "It's hard to get to democracy from tyranny. It's hard work. And yet, it's necessary work. But it's necessary work because a democratic Iraq will make the world a freer place and a more peaceful place.
"I'm pleased with the progress," Bush said.

Bush says (http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2005-10-01-bush-radio-address-iraq_x.htm) (December 12th, 2005): President Bush said Saturday he is encouraged by the increasing size and capability of the Iraqi security forces, touting progress on a key measure for when U.S. troops can come home.

"All Americans can have confidence in the military commanders who are leading the effort in Iraq, and in the troops under their command," Bush said. "They have made important gains in recent weeks and months; they are adapting our strategy to meet the needs on the ground; and they're helping us to bring victory in the war on terror."

Bush says (http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/03/20/bush.iraq/index.html) (March 20th, 2006): "The situation on the ground remains tense," Bush told an audience at the City Club of Cleveland. "In the face of continued reports about killings and reprisals, I understand how some Americans have had their confidence shaken.

"Others look at the violence they see each night on their television screens, and they wonder how I can remain so optimistic about the prospects of success in Iraq. They wonder what I see that they don't."

"The situation in Iraq is still tense, and we're still seeing acts of sectarian violence and reprisal," Bush said in Washington. "Yet out of this crisis, we've also seen signs of a hopeful future."

Bush says (http://edition.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/07/12/us.iraq/index.html?eref=edition_world) (September, 2007): "Of the 18 benchmarks Congress asked us to measure, we can report that satisfactory progress is being made in eight areas," Bush said during a White House news conference. Those of us who believe the battle in Iraq can and must be won see the satisfactory performance on several of the security benchmarks as a cause for optimism," Bush told reporters. "Our strategy is built on the premise that progress in security will pave the way for political progress, so it's not surprising that political progress is lagging behind the security gains we're seeing."

However, the Government Accounting Office begs to differ (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/08/29/AR2007082902434.html?hpid=topnews): "Iraq has failed to meet all but three of 18 congressionally mandated benchmarks for political and military progress, according to a draft of a Government Accountability Office report. The document questions whether some aspects of a more positive assessment by the White House last month adequately reflected the range of views the GAO found within the administration." (Betray us, anyone?)

"Overall," the report concludes, "key legislation has not been passed, violence remains high, and it is unclear whether the Iraqi government will spend $10 billion in reconstruction funds," as promised.

Overall, the draft report, titled "Securing, Stabilizing and Rebuilding Iraq," says that the Iraqi government has met only two security benchmarks. It contradicts the Bush administration's conclusion in July that sectarian violence was decreasing as a result of the U.S. military's stepped-up operations in Baghdad this year. "The average number of daily attacks against civilians remained about the same over the last six months; 25 in February versus 26 in July," the GAO draft states.

The GAO draft also says that the number of Iraqi army units capable of operating independently declined from 10 in March to six last month. The July White House report mentioned a "slight" decline in capable Iraqi units, without providing any numbers.

29 Sep 2007, 02:40 AM
Care to quote all the Hillary statements saying virtually the same things? Oh wait, that doesn't fit the Bush-hatred-syndrome

29 Sep 2007, 08:10 AM
Mrs. Clinton was lied to by the Bush Administration.

That by the way is how Mrs. Clinton is going to attempt to say why she voted for the use of force in Iraq in the first place.

Now moving right along to what Mrs. Clinton on the floor of the senate. She echoed many of the things that are said in this article for the reasons why she thought the military was needed in the case of Iraq.

I always question did the president lie at any time prior to October of 2002?

If he did why did the democrats all of sudden believe what he was saying.

The simple fact of the matter is what the president and Mrs. Clinton said are indeed true.

These very reasons in this article will be some of the reasons why we have to keep some troops in Iraq until at least January of 2013 if a democrat is elected president. Because none of the democrat front runners were willing to say that they will have all of the troops out by the end of their first term.

I wonder how Senator Kerry's strategy has worked out in the past. Mr. I voted for it but now I am against it. This so reminds me of the 2004 presidential election. Well so much for democrats wanting to change. Why are the people not demanding once troops are brought home they might as well stay home if the people really wanted this to happen?

Maybe the people feel so ouch of touch with Washington they feel they have no way at all to contact their representatives in Washington.

29 Sep 2007, 08:15 AM
Isn't Led's article filled with BushCheney lies which is part of the point of the article in the first place?

29 Sep 2007, 08:28 AM
Mrs. Clinton back in 2002 had some very compelling reasons to go to war with Iraq on the senate floor.

And in some respects she was saying what the president was saying just in a different way.

So could this be thought of Mrs. Clinton lying just like the president did?

29 Sep 2007, 06:45 PM
So could this be thought of Mrs. Clinton lying just like the president did?Of course not. With the Dems it is not a matter of what truth is. It's a matter of their intentions. It's okay to lie, cheat, steal, etc. as long as
1) You're a Dem
2) You meant well by doing so