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SayOw 03 Sep 2008 09:25 AM

Prophecy In Motion

Originally Posted by SayOw (Post 25398)
And I will tell you what... I am a prophet, I know who will be the next president and the process as to how he will grab the office. What? You say, you need proof... ok, here is the scenario for the '08 elections complete with the results...

Starting in September and continuing up to election day, oil and gas prices both begin to drop, likely below $3 a gallon. Media talking heads come out and say why now? How is this possible? Big oil/government spokespeople come out and say with little disruptions in distribution, increased domestic production, reduced consumption and demand, etc. (all the regular excuses) is the reason gas prices have begun to decline.

Bam, John McCain is elected president and sometime in February oil companies begin to creep their gas prices back up and continue to do so until the next election cycle. Big oil doesn't want to lose their pawn in the White House and McCain may not be the blatantly observable big oil wh0re, but will have to suffice for the oil companies.

And of course you can say that Americans aren't going to go out and vote for a guy solely on gas prices but those folks are the minority. Americans are all about 'today' not yesterday and certainly don't think about tomorrow.

Go ahead and discuss politics and the presidential campaign(s) all you want... I've already told you what's going to happen...

Curious how a cat-2 hurricane rips through the Gulf region and oil prices are down... usually even the hint of a rain shower in the Gulf has prices easily jumping a dime. This just further proves my theory that it is all about greed and not the 'economics' of oil in regard to supply and demand.

Oil prices declining.

Depending on how the polls read for McCain will determine the oil prices... I think gas prices will have to go less than $3 a gallon and that should give McCain the lock, barring any unforeseen campaign blunders - and if that would happen gas would instantly begin to rise from that point.

Regardless gas prices will be right back to where they were earlier this summer by February.

StockTrader 03 Sep 2008 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by SayOw (Post 26334)
Go ahead and discuss politics and the presidential campaign(s) all you want... I've already told you what's going to happen...

Curious how a cat-2 hurricane rips through the Gulf region and oil prices are down... usually even the hint of a rain shower in the Gulf has prices easily jumping a dime. This just further proves my theory that it is all about greed and not the 'economics' of oil in regard to supply and demand.

Oil prices declining.

Depending on how the polls read for McCain will determine the oil prices... I think gas prices will have to go less than $3 a gallon and that should give McCain the lock, barring any unforeseen campaign blunders - and if that would happen gas would instantly begin to rise from that point.

Regardless gas prices will be right back to where they were earlier this summer by February.

Well, that is sad that you think Americans will pick a leader of a country based off of oil prices. I can tell you right now that I know numerous Republicans and Democrats [active ones] and none of them have stated 'the price of gas' as a campaign issue.


StockTrader 03 Sep 2008 11:53 AM


In addition to a gloomy economic environment and lower demand, a strengthening dollar is also behind oil's recent drop. Since July 15, the dollar has gained 8.5% against the euro. "The rise in the dollar is the best explanation of oil's drop," says Beutel.
What is that? There is not a conspiracy about the price of oil and the current Presidencey?


ndeed, crude prices could recover if the dollar weakens again or if oil-producing countries trim their output to keep prices high, as some analysts have speculated. OPEC is scheduled to meet on Sept. 9 in Vienna and has indicated it may defend a price of $100 per barrel.
Oh my, there is an organization called OPEC? That does what? It controls the output of oil from the Middle East? NO!


Jim in San Jose Sep 3, 2008 3:44 PM GMT Isn't it obvious? Going into an election, with the Republicans being blamed for the economy and all that, the oil companies are reducing prices to help McCain get elected. Once he's elected, gas and oil will hit new record highs.
I love this last quote. It is another conspiracy theorist that made the comment at the bottom of the article. Silly, silly people.



SayOw 03 Sep 2008 12:40 PM

All you are doing is regurgitating the 'excuses' as to why oil is supposedly dropping in price...just as I predicted...

Make sure you keep me posted on oil prices after the election and the steep oil price increases (again) ... because I am sure you will have all the excuses that big oil will put out for you to gobble up and enjoy. But in the end, my prophecy will come true.

Make sure you keep tuned into the mainstream media to get your political talking points...that way you can conform and understand the measures our government must take to keep you safe...

But I am sad and silly ... which in addition to being correct, doesn't make me feel so bad. Better than being blind and unaware.

StockTrader 03 Sep 2008 02:22 PM

I am assuming you lived through this 'oil crisis' in the 70's, no?

Can you tell me, please, how gas prices changed after their peak then?


ocho cinco 03 Sep 2008 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by SayOw (Post 26344)
Make sure you keep tuned into the mainstream media to get your political talking points...that way you can conform and understand the measures our government must take to keep you safe...

If we did that then we'd all be in love with the son of Christ, the holy one, the new rock star... Barack Hussein Obama - The Savior.

Thank god I don't pay attention to main stream media.

hork 03 Sep 2008 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by StockTrader (Post 26345)
I am assuming you lived through this 'oil crisis' in the 70's, no?

Can you tell me, please, how gas prices changed after their peak then?


that was an entirely different situation. it was a legitimate crisis not a crisis manufactured by inflating the market, marketing, and protection from the highest levels of government.

in 1973, there was a true shortage as OPEC withheld shipments and refused to export oil.

in 2005-2008 the crisis is nothing more than a major industry taking advantage where they can, being protected by those who are supposed to have the interests of America at heart, and many in the populace continuing to acknowledge they're beloved leaders aren't the pillars of morality and justice they so dearly want them to be. nothing more, nothing less.

hork 03 Sep 2008 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by ocho cinco (Post 26346)
If we did that then we'd all be in love with the son of Christ, the holy one, the new rock star... Barack Hussein Obama - The Savior.

careful nick that type of speech is bound to inflame the majority of folks on this board. blasphemy on the one side, and the blatant attempt at fear politics on the other.

hork 03 Sep 2008 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by SayOw (Post 26344)
All you are doing is regurgitating the 'excuses' as to why oil is supposedly dropping in price...just as I predicted...

Make sure you keep me posted on oil prices after the election and the steep oil price increases (again) ... because I am sure you will have all the excuses that big oil will put out for you to gobble up and enjoy. But in the end, my prophecy will come true.

Make sure you keep tuned into the mainstream media to get your political talking points...that way you can conform and understand the measures our government must take to keep you safe...

But I am sad and silly ... which in addition to being correct, doesn't make me feel so bad. Better than being blind and unaware.

the more things change huh? ;)

been a while. hope everyone up north is doing well. and please try not to be such a stranger.

SayOw 03 Sep 2008 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by hork (Post 26349)
the more things change huh? ;)

been a while. hope everyone up north is doing well. and please try not to be such a stranger.

Hey Ken... everything is ok up here...hope all is good with you...

Because summer has ended and I am sitting in front of a computer for most of the day now I do have more time to peruse the offerings of the internet...

But, I must make sure to track my prophecy here...for I think it can be a fairly accurate call...of course there will be plenty of people to tell me all the reasons oil is dropping now and then magically increasing later this fall, but they of course are way smarter then me and get their facts straight from the oil companies it's got to be accurate!

StockTrader 03 Sep 2008 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by hork (Post 26347)
that was an entirely different situation. it was a legitimate crisis not a crisis manufactured by inflating the market, marketing, and protection from the highest levels of government.

in 1973, there was a true shortage as OPEC withheld shipments and refused to export oil.

in 2005-2008 the crisis is nothing more than a major industry taking advantage where they can, being protected by those who are supposed to have the interests of America at heart, and many in the populace continuing to acknowledge they're beloved leaders aren't the pillars of morality and justice they so dearly want them to be. nothing more, nothing less.

Yeah, like increased demand from China is not a reason that prices are high. You and I both know that was one of many factors. As well as a low-valued dollar, and Wall Street speculation.


hork 03 Sep 2008 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by StockTrader (Post 26360)
Yeah, like increased demand from China is not a reason that prices are high. You and I both know that was one of many factors. As well as a low-valued dollar, and Wall Street speculation.


i'm not seeing how the demand in china affected the price gouging we saw and continue to see that resulted from Katrina (which didn't do nearly the damage to the oil sites it was expected to do), or any other of the hundreds of excuses we've heard from the poor, struggling oil companies about why they need to jack up the price at the pump (e.g., non-oil related actions in the middle east, a gas fire at one companies site affecting all others, the list goes on and on).

given the oil in question had absolutely nothing to do with china, nor did the demand in china somehow cause these things to happen, and i doubt that the population in china has anything to do with the refusal of some in washington from carrying out actual oversight and DOJ investigations, i'm not seeing how we can try and pass the blame on to china. of course the fact that we are drilling oil, shipping it to the US to be refined, and then transporting it back so iraqi's can purchase it at .79 a gallon might also have a little to do with it. and i wish we could blame china for that because that stupidity just infuriates me and i cringe to realize we have that degree of assness in our government.

now, i will recognize that the demand has increased. and i realize that in our society demand (not supply) drives the market but that's not really all that applicable here. it might be if we were talking about purchasing from the source but that's not the real issue, at least not in this thread.

hork 03 Sep 2008 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by SayOw (Post 26356)
Hey Ken... everything is ok up here...hope all is good with you...

Because summer has ended and I am sitting in front of a computer for most of the day now I do have more time to peruse the offerings of the internet...

But, I must make sure to track my prophecy here...for I think it can be a fairly accurate call...of course there will be plenty of people to tell me all the reasons oil is dropping now and then magically increasing later this fall, but they of course are way smarter then me and get their facts straight from the oil companies it's got to be accurate!

well good then, you'll have time to pop in and contribute. i can't (and won't) speak for all but i genuinely miss your contributions along with steve and steve's even if i often disagree.

SayOw 03 Sep 2008 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by StockTrader (Post 26360)
Yeah, like increased demand from China is not a reason that prices are high. You and I both know that was one of many factors. As well as a low-valued dollar, and Wall Street speculation.


So then riddle me this... how come prices didn't even flinch higher with hurricane Gustov? You and I both know that historically even the slightest hint of a hurricane hitting the Gulf region sends oil prices higher and regardless if the oil production was disrupted or not, the price remains higher after the weather system has passed?

It's plenty easy to come up with excuses as to why gas prices go higher, but no one ever questions big oil as to why oil prices don't ever go lower after the rationale to raise prices has either expired or never materialized. And in this case, why has every other hurricane that has threatened the Gulf region sent oil prices higher except for this time and, in fact, oil prices continue to decline?

And I'm sure the answer will be increased production, little disruption into distribution, lowered demand, etc...the undisputed answers to any questions given to big oil ... yet, they pretty much price as they see fit....

rich76 03 Sep 2008 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by SayOw (Post 26334)
Go ahead and discuss politics and the presidential campaign(s) all you want... I've already told you what's going to happen...

Curious how a cat-2 hurricane rips through the Gulf region and oil prices are down... usually even the hint of a rain shower in the Gulf has prices easily jumping a dime. This just further proves my theory that it is all about greed and not the 'economics' of oil in regard to supply and demand.

Oil prices declining.

Depending on how the polls read for McCain will determine the oil prices... I think gas prices will have to go less than $3 a gallon and that should give McCain the lock, barring any unforeseen campaign blunders - and if that would happen gas would instantly begin to rise from that point.

Regardless gas prices will be right back to where they were earlier this summer by February.

SayOw....this theory of yours is extremely believable. Wouldn't surprise me one single bit if things turned out precisely how you've described.

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