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SiteWolf 13 Sep 2014 08:54 AM

Adrian Peterson saga

I don't know what to make of this yet. When it first came out it was over a spanking, but it does appear he may have gone overboard. The problem I'm seeing is that, especially with the Ray Rice thing so fresh, the media is making this into a huge thing...maybe it should be, but as I've posted elsewhere, the problem here is..we're missing what may be very key information......and those who think ANY physical discipline of a child (I'm not one of those) is horrible find the pics out there to be despicable.

But there are people out there already calling for him to be banned from football altogether! Just a bit over the top for a case we don't yet have all the information on, yes?

When you're a fan of a team with a star like Adrian on it, you may get to know the player more than other fans. Adrian, at least up to this point, has earned a ton of respect. So, for now, I'll not defend him but I'll support him unless and until it's proven I shouldn't.

rich76 13 Sep 2014 08:55 AM

I am not a Vikings fan and IMHO, this is pure unadulterated :bull:

rich76 13 Sep 2014 09:14 AM

He is raising his children the way HE was raised....he turned out ok no? This country is going to hell in a hand basket and I can honestly say I am glad I am an old fart and will not live long enough to see the final destruction of my country as I knew it.

This PC EVERYTHING is causing too many issues and problems and must stop.

SiteWolf 13 Sep 2014 09:23 AM

My biggest current problem with this isn't that he spanked his kid or even the pics of the marks he left...but the kid's story that 'Daddy Peterson has a lot of belts and a whooping room' ...which may have no truth to it, but infers that spankings are maybe too frequent.

yon Beast 13 Sep 2014 10:10 AM

I saw this yesterday...and dismissed it, right away


Abuse??!...I doubt that very much. Discipline, for sure!

I laughed at the first bit where they try and describe the 'weapon'.
A stick/ branch. LOL . Its called a switch, if i remembers right...and was the preferred way of handling discipline when a buck was a buck.
A switch was usually used by the women to administer discipline and the belt was the males choice weapon....with a variety of buckles to choose from.

discipline does work...abuse does not. Its a fine line between the two nowadays.

rich76 13 Sep 2014 11:26 AM

according to liberals there is NO line seperating the two. They've (progressive liberals) been telling children in schools to report their parents if they discipline them in any way....for years.

SiteWolf 15 Sep 2014 07:00 PM

If you or I were somehow indicted for a similar crime, our case wouldn't be played out in the court of public opinion with partial information out there and pics that, for all we know, have been 'enhanced for effect'. And, while our employers may be paying close attention to the case, they wouldn't feel like we should be suspended or fired pending the outcome of a trial that might be months away.

Whether you're one that believes, from what you currently know or think you know, that Adrian went overboard, it's still not up to us to tell the NFL or the Vikings how to handle it. Yet, the same Vikings organization that was praised for deactivating him for Sundays game are now being vilified for reactivating him....and it's just flat p'in me off. Those same people who whine about celebrities getting special treatment are pushing for him to get special negative treatment IMO. AND, you'll never make me believe there isn't something curious about the timing of when this came down...with Brady facing his first ever 0-2 start.

Meanwhile, Texas law deems at least some of what he did to be perfectly legal....whether we agree with it or not. The question comes down to whether his jury, after seeing ALL the evidence, deems him to have crossed the line. In the meantime, just like anyone else accused of a crime, he shouldn't have his character questioned or his job removed unless and until he's had his day in court.

SiteWolf 17 Sep 2014 09:01 AM

this has just gotten I can at least understand the indefinite suspension (which isn't the same indefinite as Ray Rice's...the team suspended Adrian, not the league, and said 'until the legal process plays out')'s what is transpiring that is ridiculous

1.) a 2nd case gets brought out that was thrown out of court when it happened over a year ago
2.) a long time local sponsor 'suspends' their sponsorship.....more to get their own free press than anything
3.) the stupid governor of Minnesota throws his 2 cents in
4.) Anheiser Busch tries to throw its muscle around citing 'company culture and moral standards' any company professes otherwise
5.) AP's charity foundation...which has raised a ton of money for kids..suspends operations
6.) The league...does nothing....publicly (but guaranteed the Vikings didn't do this w/o pressure from the league)

......all this while AP is being vilified publicly...which would be significantly less but for illegally released photographs

Now imagine the uproar when the public realizes this case is in Texas where there's a very good chance the penalty will be far less than some think he 'deserves'....especially given the story of even what we KNOW happened keeps growing and growing...saw one place infer the child had been 'gashed' more than 30 times including splitting the scrotum. Again, I am NOT condoning what Adrian did and I DO think he went too far.........but he's nowhere near the monster some have made him out to be.

And now...the media and others get their way. Adrian won't play again until his legal situation plays out...which won't start until October...a trial that will attempt to prove his guilt or innocence despite the fact he's already been 'proven' guilty in the court of public opinion.

rich76 17 Sep 2014 09:11 AM

welcome to the "New America"...had enough?

SiteWolf 17 Sep 2014 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by rich76 (Post 86995)
welcome to the "New America"...had enough?

my comment to that lately has been 'just give me a hobbit hole in New Zealand and leave me alone'

BlackDiamond 17 Sep 2014 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by SiteWolf (Post 86996)
'just give me a hobbit hole in New Zealand and leave me alone'

Not sure what you mean by this. Made me :rotfl:

SiteWolf 17 Sep 2014 02:35 PM

lol...well, all the hobbit movies were filmed in New Zealand...and the shire remains as a tourist thing there

....if I could just live as a hobbit hermit at this point, fine with me :p

rich76 17 Sep 2014 08:42 PM

add another one to the list.....

SayOw 18 Sep 2014 09:25 AM

With the Ray Rice situation handled the way it was I was originally surprised to hear the that Vikings were going to reinstate AP. Of course the Vikings backpedaling on that decision was about as quick as it could have been.

With all that is going on with NFL players assaulting people and with this involving children, I don't see AP playing in the NFL ever again.

Saying that, he does have hayseed superstar lawyer Rusty who knows...

SiteWolf 18 Sep 2014 10:58 AM

I could be wrong....and of course, as a Vikings AND Adrian Peterson fan I know I am hugely biased.......but I just don't see Adrian overstepping nearly as much as some in the media make it out to be. If the Texas courts see it that way, it would be a hard sell to the NFLPA for the league to boot him out completely........but it doesn't help when more and more of these cases come out all in the same time frame...Rice, McDonald, Hardy, AP, and now Dwyer.

But knowing what I know (or thought I knew) about AP, there are few more genuine, generous, and hard working people in an NFL it would be extremely sad if he were to get railroaded out of the league. If the situation was worse than I think it was, that's one thing.

I don't know when or if we'll see him play again, but the only way I see it being this season at this point is if he plea bargains to a lesser charge and the league agrees that games he's inactive in the meantime count towards serving whatever suspension.

....makes me wonder if AP was already thinking ahead to why he might not be a Viking when he talked to Jerry Jones

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