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Unread 16 Apr 2011, 08:01 PM
oldstewball oldstewball is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 159

"what would YOU cut?"

That's easy

1) Get rid of the IRS and implement a fair tax. The IRS wastes so much money it's not even funny. We had an auditor come to our office for 3 full days to audit a clients return. After 3 days she took home $75 to the IRS, and she wouldn't have found that out if I hadn't seen an error on a return for the year after the one in question. I amended the return and gave it to her. Her findings were that she would accept the amended and they owed $75. The funny part is that my amended return showed them owing $91. They're IDIOTS! and we pay their salaries.

2) Get rid of the Federal Reserve and go back on the gold standard. The Federal Reserve is not a Federal Agency. It is a group of Big Banksters who print money out of thin air, lend it to us and charge us interest. Then they print more money, in our name, and give it to the "Too Big to Fail" Banks. Does anyone else see how absurd this is? I say we start issuing our own currency as the Constitution dictates and default on the Federal Reserve Debt. Then we could balance the budget.

3) Let's look at entitlement programs. I don't include Social Security in this as some do, because we've been paying into it for years in good faith that it would be there as promised when we retire. No cuts should be made here but, let's look at the disability benefits paid out. There are a large number of disability recipients that don't really deserve it. Newborn babies can get disability if they're born with something that will prevent them for ever getting a job. But a newborn can't get a job anyway so why pay disability from birth, or any age where they couldn't work whether disabled or not. I can agree with the parents getting medical coverage for the child but, certainly not a monthly check. There are also a lot of adults receiving disability for drug and alcohol related problems. That's riduculous. I know a lot of alcohol & drug users that go to work every day and pay for their habits. Yet so many others choose to let the governments pay for their habits. As for those who really are disabled, they deserve the help.

4) Restore our Constitutional Rights and get rid of Homeland Security.

5) Legalize Hemp farming. Hemp is easy to grow, has many industrial uses, and is only illegal because it's related to the marijuana plant, though it contains no THC and will not get you high

6) There is one person in Congress who believes in all of the above, plus so much more. His name is Ron Paul. IMHO he is the only viable Presidential Candidate we have. Please check him out and see for yourself.

"There exists in this country a plot to enslave every man woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot."
- President John F. Kennedy - 7 days before he was assassinated

"It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." -- Henry Ford -- Founder of Ford Motor Company