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Unread 07 Sep 2007, 01:50 AM
ldzppln ldzppln is offline
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Originally Posted by spoc22 View Post
That's right hork. We've made that abudantly clear. We're the ones with William Jefferson, Democrat Louisiana, who was discovered with a lot of bribary money in his freezer and who is yet to resign. Not only that but he also diverted National Guardsmen from rescuing the poor people of New Orleans so they could escort him to his home to retrieve that money from his freezer.
I guess the difference is that Republicans proport to stand for a standard of morals and so when we're accused, we must step down while the Dems don't seem to hold to any standard of morals so all they need do is apologize, or in the case of William Jefferson, Democrat Louisiana, just thumb his nose at the rules of law and they receive a full pardon.
LMFFAO - you can't be serious, right? OMFG. Give it up. Seriously. I mean really. LOL. Where should I start? LOL. There are plently of crooked politicians, no doubt about that. But take the last 7 year of complete and UTTER BULL SH1T, and compare it to an isolated case of corruptioness (made up word - you should be used to it by now) on the Democratic side of the aisle and PRETEND that it all evens out? LMAO AGAIN! Nice try! Which time zone do you live in again? Oh, that's right. If it's not on FOX "News", it didn't happen, right? LOL. Pathetic.

For Pete's sake, you've got an anti-gay fag hating HOMO SEXUAL senator pretending he's not GAY fighting for his right to not be outed as a GAY, even though he fully admitted in a COURT OF LAW that he is GAY.

You've also got a SENATOR (Vitter) that engages in the services of prostitutes, but that's okay because he ADMITTED IT before charges where filed, and still, the GOP is the party of FAMILY VALUES? This is the same party that heralds Fred (is it past my bedtime?) Thompson as it's savior, who's on his third marraige? Please! It's beyond laughable, and even beyond ridiculous. Serioulsy, the best the pundits can say about the Savior Thompson is that he SMELLS good. That should serve your notice. See you in 2012 (maybe). LOL.