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Unread 26 Apr 2010, 04:54 PM
rich76 rich76 is offline
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Default As usual...Obama and his liberal media cronies

NOT telling the whoile truth and nothing but the truth, sent to me by a lifelong friend now retired in Arizona...for your perusal

About Arizona's new immigration law and what it really is----something the liberal press and US politicians won't tell you. Leave it up to President Obama to (again, like he did with the Cambridge police officer and Professor Louis Gates situation) to open his mouth without putting his brain in gear. Per the leader of PLEA (Phoenix Law Enforcement Association), "this law doesn't do anything that we haven't been doing all along for years. What it does is make SB1070 a state law that applies to all police officers and political subdivisions within the state".

The only thing new in the bill are the provisions that local police chiefs and mayors may not disregard the law, and that private citizens can sue the police departments and local governing agencies to force them to follow the law. Loser of the lawsuit pays all legal expenses. That's it, nothing else changes what has been happening for years and years. The 800 illegals deported last year by the Phoenix police were first arrested on other criminal charges. In other words, they were arrested for committing other crimes, determined to be here illegally, and were deported back to their country of origin after being convicted or pleading guilty to their crimes for which they came into custody of the police to begin with. There was not one lawsuit or complaint to Internal affairs out of the 800 arrests and deportations by the Phoenix P.D.

Read the synopsis of the law (published by the "open borders" advocate Arizona Republic newspaper that calls illegal immigrants "undocumented workers").

Get behind efforts in your states and cities to enact similar legislation.
AZ Senate Bill 1070 to become law in 90 days.

>> Prohibits state, city, or county officials from limiting or restricting "the enforcement of federal immigration laws to less than the full extent permitted by federal law"; and allows Arizona residents to sue an official or an agency that adopts or implements a policy that does so. This bill contains a "loser pays" provision meant to determine frivolous lawsuits.

>> Requires law enforcement make a reasonable attempt "when practicable" to determine the immigration status of a person if reasonable suspicion exists that the person is in the US/Arizona illegally. Officials do not have to do so "if the determination may hinder or obstruct an investigation".

>> Make it a state crime to be an illegal immigrant by creating a state charge of "willful failure to complete or carry an alien registration document".

>> Make it a crime for illegal immigrants to work or solicit work in Arizona.

>> Makes it a crime to pick up a "day laborer" for work if the vehicle impedes traffic and makes a day laborer subject to criminal charges if he or she is picked up and the vehicle impedes traffic. (My note: every AZ city has a tax-payer funded Day Labor Center that doesn't check the immigration status of workers who go there to find work)

>> Makes it a crime to conceal, harbor, or shield an illegal immigrant if the person knows or recklessly disregards the immigrant's legal status. It does create a legal defense for someone providing emergency, public safety, or public health services to illegal immigrants.

>> Allows law-enforcement officials to arrest a person without a warrant if they have probably cause to believe the person has committed a public offense that makes him or her removable form the US.

>> Requires employers to keep E-Verify records of employees' legal worker eligibility.

>> Reiterates Arizona's intent to not comply with the Real I.D. Act of 2005, including the use of a radio-frequency I.D. chip technology.

Arizona is frustrated with the lack of commitment of the Federal government to close the border and then work with the states most affected by illegal immigration to find a solution. All Presidential administrations, Democrat and Republican, for the past 30-40 years have failed the US citizens in the states affected. The country of Mexico is equally to blame for facilitating the illegal exodus of over 20 million of it's citizens across our sovereign borders.Their corruption of their police and military is well known. Protecting drug traffickers and "coyotes" in human smuggling is institutionalized in Mexico. Their government is presently in danger of becoming irrelevant as the drug cartels exercise more control over Mexico's northern provinces.

Living here in Arizona, I thought I'd give you a real "heads-up" to the liberal bias being presented by the White House and it's propaganda committee, the alphabet television news and liberal owned newspapers. pv.-Sun Lakes, AZ.
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