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Unread 06 Sep 2007, 11:11 PM
ibzilly ibzilly is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 621
Default okay I know this is off the wall

But about 6 months ago I was living in a house hold of 4 adults and 2 kids. And only 1 refrigerator. I didnt have a place to buy or store groceries. So I was living off of Fast Food and Pizza and Regular soda all the time. I bloomed my body up to 215 lbs.
Highest I have ever been.
So I moved out with my best friend and I now have proper storage for my groceries. With proper diet (only diet soda,water, OJ, no fast food, no pizza, no chocolate) in about 4-5 months I am down to 177. I have never felt better before. I can also jog 2 miles a day.

So for anyone who is trying to lose weight. And is having a hard time doing so. I recommend this. Watch for foods/drinks with high SODIUM. Sodium is salt. It makes you retain water. Same thing with Sugar content. A lot think GATORADE is good for you. Well look at the SUGAR and SALT in it. Its not.
Now another thing. For people that actually excersise during there dieting. That is great. You know if your in top shape your suppose to eat like 8 times a day. Any food you intake it has calories in it. Calories is what gives you energy. So if you eat a $6 dollar burger from Carls Jr you will be getting like 2000 calories with large fries. That is NOOO JOKE. 1 freaking meal. So those 2000 calories you will have to burn off in your work out. I feel sorry for anyone who has to do that. to make it short. Whatever calories you eat. Make sure you use that energy to burn them out. And dont be afraid to eat a lot if you work out.