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Unread 27 Mar 2007, 09:32 AM
hork hork is offline
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Default Talk about putting yourself between a rock and a hard place

The jackass of the week award has to go to Rev. R. Albert Mohler Jr. If you're one of those folks who gets off on sunday morning TV or wastes your time listening to hate speech on talk radio then you likely know who he is. If you don't consider yourself very lucky. That aside, how stupid is this guy. He comes off and acknowledges that homosexuality is biologically determined (a position that i obviously agree with and that biomedical and genetic data clearly land strongly supports) and then suggests this can be changed prenatally.

Funny how such a reverent man who presumes to spread the word of god to his flock in an effort to educate, save, and lead them to eternal salvation has the audacity to suggest he (and by extension man in general) has the right to alter god's plan. Another case of hate clouding reason and in this case alleged faith. or more likely a case of slipping ratings and upcoming credit payments.

now all that said, it is likely that he may be correct. after all if the bulk of our behavior (sexuality included) is biologically driven, then we likely could identify the substrates responsible and alter them. but i was taught that life was sacred, and that god had a hand in creating all life. furthermore each of us has a place in his plan. so who are we to say he is wrong and change this plan (i.e., alter anyone prenatally) so that it fits our view of "morality" and "normal"?