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Unread 22 Sep 2012, 08:55 AM
rich76 rich76 is online now
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Default Never been a "birther" before but.........

new info out of Israel that really makes me wonder..

Zebest’s analysis begins by documenting inconsistencies in the pixels and bitmap text that display throughout the Obama file, for instance, in the birth certificate number 10641, as seen in Exhibit 1:

Exhibit 2 offers more examples of the telltale inconsistencies Zebest found. First, defining her terms, Zebest explains that “antialiasing” is the transition of pixel colors
that occurs when differing color tones bump into each other in an image. It
offers a smooth line (to the eye) when viewed at the normal zoom. Viewed
in a closeup mode it appears as an angled pattern. She explains,
“Without antialiasing, the edges appear jagged or bitmapped.” Bitmapping
is a specific computer format used for images that gives them a more
choppy appearance when zoomed.According to Zebest:

Bitmap text versus antialiasing text: Notice the bitmap X checkbox in question compared to the antialiased X checkbox in question “e” – major inconsistency.
Additionally, the checkboxes are slightly different widths and positioned differently. (Pixels of checkboxes on the bottom right overlap line pixels below, almost as if the boxes were copied and pasted and manually positioned).
Some letter characters are identical, pixel for pixel, almost as if they were copied and pasted and then moved into position. For example, the lowercase “i” in the word Inside is identical to the first “i” in judicial. There are many similar identical instances as there are dissimilar typesetting examples of different fonts – both suggesting compilation of a document digitally.
Irregular typesetting spacing which is not consistent with proportional spacing used by computers or monospacing used by typewriters in 1961 – but is consistent with copy and pasting and moving letters around. Example: The word “Yes,” which has too much space between “Y” and “e” and not enough space between “e” and “s.”
“A normal document scanned and saved as a PDF file would not display these inconsistencies unless the document had been digitally altered,” she said. “A digitally altered document is by definition a manufactured document, or in everyday parlance – a forgery.”

Exhibit 3 demonstrates mixed solid bitmapped character elements combined with antialiased elements in the signature of Ann Dunham and in the text of the form immediately above her first name, Stanley, enclosed in parentheses.Typed characters in the birth certificate form appear to have been altered digitally by the forgers whenever signatures overlapped or bumped against printed text characters in the form,” she said.

Figure 4 shows the dates stamped into boxes 20 and 22 on the form displaying different color tones within the date stamp, such that some of the digits are dark black – especially the last digit “1″ in both instances – while other digits are a light gray.

See the entire article at
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