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Unread 12 May 2022, 06:41 PM
rich76 rich76 is offline
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Default Just another Biden admin scandal

I'll start by saying that I hope and pray that none of you are being affected by the baby formula shortage.

This administration has known for months that there was going to be a problem and as usual, did absolutely nothing.

Back in Oct or Nov 4 babies got sick and sadly, 2 of them passed due to contaminated baby formula. They shut down the Abbot manufacturing facility in Sturgis and also demanded a recall of their product. None of the formula that hurt those babies was ever traced back to that facility. So here we are 6+ months later, the manufacturer has complied with all requirements (why wouldn't they after losing many billions of $$$) and they are still not open....WHY?

Today the news broke a story that typifies this administration and their disgraceful practices. A DHS whistleblower sent a congresswoman from Florida, Kat Kammack, pictures of pallett after pallet after pallet being stored in 2 DHS facilities for the babies of illegal immigrants!!!!!!
WTF is going on with these disgusting democrats? How is this ok? I'm betting there are more places hiding this formula.

As an aside, how about that ignorant Mayorkis going after the border patrol agents on horseback accused of whipping Haitian illegal immigrants. He, on national TV, said this will be a quick investigation and those found guilty would be punished severely. 8 months later.....not ONE of those agents were found guilty of doing any such thing and yet they are still being punished. This story was ginned up by another leftist radical "journalist" who didn't know their azz from a hole in the ground.

When is this tyranny going to stop?

Biden, you lying criminal piece of schitt..............we see you.
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