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Unread 02 Sep 2008, 08:43 PM
-mmm- -mmm- is offline
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Originally Posted by P562045 View Post
No wonder Obama got such a tiny little bounce out of his convention, because his running mate is very much a part of the congress, even though approximately thirty eight million people watched Obama's acceptance speech last night at Invesco field in Denver, CO.

Well that last thing I said may have been a problem for Obama for well.

I have not heard a ton a rave reviews for Obama around here which sort of surprises me. Well actually when a person comes right down to it it does not really surprise me in the least.
I wont go into a long spiel about the convention bounce and why its useless to talk about it (for both candidates), but just a quick sum up: research shows it disappears after a couple weeks anyhow as people forget about it and other events captivate their interest. However what we're seeing in Obama is a bit different I think. Basically, the digging into the polls Ive seen shows that he's pretty much shored up his support among Democrats (basically the undecided Hillary voters). Amazing that he could do that without actually putting her on the ticket like some were advocating.

In fact after last week's convention I bet McCain realized that and why he went with Palin as she could help energize the evengelical army that helped Bush win in 04, as opposed to Pawlenty who wouldnt have brought Minnesota into the red column.

As far as I can tell from viewing everything from a distance, Obama has been about registering people online and contacting as many people as possible. McCain has been trying to win each media cycle (a sort of Clinton approach to campaigning). However, one other thing were I could be wrong about, is that with the Palin pick, McCain is now losing the media war that was basically in a stalemate before (contrary to those who whine, and I mean WHINE, about the so-called liberal media, as they are cozy with both Obama and McCain). However, he lost control over that with the Palin pick and all the scandalous events that have unfolded since then. With Palin, he may go the whole voter registration route (as I alluded too), but outside of Fox he's losing the media war badly now. For an example, I wont c/p it as its easy to google up, but the new cover of Us Weekly sums up the message that's going out to voters who dont follow the news like we do but get it from supermarket aisle tabloids.
The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them- Albert Einstein

Quinn: It was, kind of...what's that thing, when things turn funny? Moronic?
Jane: I think you mean ironic
Daria: She was right the first time