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Unread 26 Oct 2017, 06:53 PM
rich76 rich76 is offline
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Default From the ACLJ


We just defeated the IRS in federal court.

It’s an unprecedented victory, one of the biggest we’ve ever obtained. After a years-long lawsuit against the IRS, the bureaucratic agency has just admitted in federal court to wrongfully targeting the Tea Party and conservative groups for their political beliefs and has issued an apology.

In the proposed Consent Order filed late last night, the IRS not only acknowledges the Obama Administration‘s wrongdoing, it consents to a court order barring it from ever taking such discriminatory action against conservative groups again.

After more than five years aggressively battling the corrupt IRS bureaucracy, we won.

The IRS will never again be allowed to target conservatives for their political beliefs. Period.

It is impossible to overstate the importance of this victory. It sends a powerful message to the deep state bureaucracy. We will defeat the lawlessness."

Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

Now with this block buster story about the clinton crime family colluding with Russia....more Dems...including oblamer will get their collective arses handed to them. Oh my........life is good.
Having a dog named shark at the beach was a bad idea
Why is there a highway to hell but only a stairway to heaven
It's wierd being the same age as old people
My mom didn't raise no dummy, if she did it would be my sister
I told my wife to embrace her faults......she hugged me
I took a DNA test- God is my father
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Unread 26 Oct 2017, 07:21 PM
rich76 rich76 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Southport, N.C.
Posts: 20,407

Regarding the last sentence above (mine).....this from Oasthkeepers:

Perhaps, (and I say it guardedly), at least some of the truth concerning the Uranium One deal will become known, as it now appears that a key FBI informant, who was issued gag orders and was prevented from testifying before Congress, has had the gag orders revoked by President Trump, and is now free to offer his testimony.

It was the FBI and the Department of Justice that had refused to lift the gag orders, leading us to ask, why?

In an article on PJ Media, Roger L. Simon reports:

Bravo, Charles Grassley! The Iowa senator has turned into something of an aging Mr. Smith taking on corruption in the Obama administration (and its Justice Department) and calling for a special investigator for the metastasizing Uranium One Scandal. But is it enough?

As has been reported, this 2010 deal was made despite a hitherto unknown FBI investigation that exposed bribery, kickbacks, etc. on the part of the Russian company involved. The pact resulted in 20% of U.S. uranium in Putin's hands (some of which, in lethal yellow cake form, has already disappeared into the ether) and millions of dollars in the Clinton Foundation's coffers, basically at the same time.

The Uranium One deal, selling 20 percent of US uranium reserves to a Canadian company, Uranium One, which is partly owned, (at least), by Russia businessmen with close ties to Vladimir Putin. That those same Russian businessmen gave, it is estimated, $145 million to the Clinton corporation. while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, and Bill Clinton was given $500,000 for a speech (double his normal speaking fees) he gave in Russia, while the decision on the Uranium One deal was pending, gives one pause to wonder if this was another Pay-for-play deal, or even outright bribery.

Why, one has to ask, would Hillary Clinton scream loud and continuously about Trump's so-called collusion with the Russians, (while presenting no evidence of such collusion), when she was quite willing to place 20% of our uranium reserves into the hands of a company with close Russian ties? Gee, did the $145 million dollars and Bill's $500,000 speaking fee have something to do with it? What better way to hide her own actions than to enlist her legion of supporters into attacking Trump for actions she herself was involved in? It seems to be a case of blaming your opponent for actions you are committing, in order to deflect attention from your own nefarious deeds. Hillary and Bill are strong proponents of Saul Alinsky, and have used his tactics over and over, ad nauseum.

And what of the FBI and DOJ? Hmmm.... Robert Mueller was head of the FBI at the time of the Uranium One deal, and is now the Special Prosecutor investigating Trump's so-called collusion with Russia.

The narrative promoted by Hillary Clinton and her supporters, concerns the so-called Trump Dossier, which, the Washington Post has reported, was financed by the DNC and the Clinton Campaign.

The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about Donald Trump's connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter said.

Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct the research.

It was FBI Director James Comey who was given a copy of the dossier, whose firing by Trump led to Robert Mueller being appointed, by DOJ Deputy Director Rod Rosenstein, as Special Prosecutor. Rosenstein wrote a memo to Trump recommending he fire Comey.
To my eye, the Uranium One deal and the Special Prosecutor's investigation of Trump's "Russia Collusion", including the Trump Dossier, which helped spur that investigation, are intricately intertwined. Why was the informant in the Uranium One deal put under a gag order? Mueller was head of the FBI at the time. Why was it not investigated further? Why, of all people, was Robert Mueller made the Special Prosecutor? Who is hiding what? It is becoming more apparent with each passing day, that Robert Mueller is tainted and should resign as Special Prosecutor.

A lot of time, effort and money has been expended in a witch hunt of Trump and his associates, and they have found nothing, yet, until now, the Uranium One deal has been left uninvestigated. That needs to change.

As an additional bit of information, the case of Dwight and Steven Hammond , should be looked at in a new light, as their land, and others in their area, it has been said, sit on land holding uranium reserves.
Having a dog named shark at the beach was a bad idea
Why is there a highway to hell but only a stairway to heaven
It's wierd being the same age as old people
My mom didn't raise no dummy, if she did it would be my sister
I told my wife to embrace her faults......she hugged me
I took a DNA test- God is my father
When I ask if you want me to be honest, please say no
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