Thread: impeachment
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Unread 26 Jan 2020, 01:10 PM
rich76 rich76 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Southport, N.C.
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The lamestream media (democrats) will never cover these but here is a small list of what the Trump administration has accomplished with endless obstruction and endless castigation from the left.

They have:
Brought to justice the leader of isis and the mastermind of iran's terror across the mideast and Europe.....and then increased sanctions on them.

Found ways to build massive amount of miles of southern border wall.

Ramped up cyber security.

Vastly improved(I am living proof) Veteran's healthcare. (oblamer did nothing except install incompetent yes men that accomplished nothing). They fired over 500 bureaucratic do nothings sucking on the govt teet.

Gone hard after illegal immigrants and those overstaying their visas.

Rescinded DACA (the unconstitutional act by oblamer)

Got rid of THOUSANDS of govt overreach regulations.

Cracking down on illegal sanctuary cities.

Is allowing more Christian refugees than Muslim refugees.

Ended "catch and release".

Gone after silicon valley for H1b fraud.

Kept gitmo open. (thanks oblamer- )

Finally auditing the DOD...the biggest wastes of taxpayer money.

Instituted the Space Force.

Did away with oblamers disgraceful chokepoint operation.

Prosecuted 400 healthcare professionals for medicare fraud.

Trade deals with: China. Japan, Mexico, Canada, Korea, India. Poland

Established opportunity zones in low income neighborhoods.

Lowest unemployment numbers for ALL Americans in over 50 years. More Americans working right now than ever in our history.

Changed regs to help the steel industry.

Decreased welfare and food stamp usage.

We are the largest oil producer in the world.

African american business ownership has jumped over 400% in ONE year.

Home building permits highest since oblamer took office

Bringing tons of manufacturing co's and jobs back to America including $350 bil from Apple.

Got Japan to freeze N Korean assets

Cut our bloated UN budget. (WTF good is the UN anyway?)

Purging the incredibly corrupt State dept (figures the clinton crime family was in charge)

I really could go on and on with this list, but you get the idea. are the Dems going to deal with this? With lies, witchhunts, and exorbitant amount of wasted taxpayer $$$$$$$, petty BS.
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