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Unread 11 Jan 2023, 07:26 AM
rich76 rich76 is offline
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Default Biden's lies

This is the person that received the largest amount of votes (81 million) in history?

1. Biden claimed — on multiple occasions — he “used to drive” an 18-wheeler.

Biden **rode** in an 18-wheeler once nearly 50 years ago. He’s never driven one.

2. Biden claimed multiples times he spoke to the “inventor” of insulin.

Multiple scientists are credited with discovering insulin; two died before Biden was born and there is no evidence Biden met the others.

3. Biden claimed he “had a house burn down with my wife in it” and said they “almost lost a couple firefighters.”

In 2005, Biden’s house had a “small” fire that was contained to the kitchen and “there were no injuries.”

4. Biden claimed he was “raised in the Puerto Rican community” of Delaware.

There is no evidence of this, of course.

In Delaware in 1970, only 2,154 people — 0.39% of the state population — were of Puerto Rican descent.

5. Biden said he remembered “spending time” and “going to” the Tree of Life synagogue after the 2018 shooting.

The synagogue said Biden never visited.

6. Biden claimed he served as a “liaison” to Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir during the Six-Day War.

Biden was in law school during the war and Meir wasn’t even prime minister.

7. Biden claimed his “first job offer” came from Boise Cascade, an Idaho lumber company.

The company said they have “no record of President Biden’s application or of him having worked for the company.”

8. Biden claimed “the first time” he “got arrested” was at a civil rights protest.

There is no evidence Biden has ever been arrested and he was not a civil rights activist.

9. Biden claimed that he had a conversation with an Amtrak conductor in 2012 or 2013 about traveling over 1 million miles on Air Force Two.

The conductor retired in 1993, passed away in 2014, and Biden didn’t reach 1 million miles on AF2 until 2015.

10. Biden claimed he “was appointed to the [Naval] Academy in 1965.”

There is no record of Biden being nominated to the Naval Academy, and Biden graduated from the University of Delaware in 1965 — making it impossible.

11. Biden claimed oil refinery pollution is the reason “I and so damn many other people I grew up have cancer.”

Biden doesn’t have cancer. He *had* skin cancer, but the cause was sun exposure — not pollution.

12. Biden frequently claims to have been a “full professor” at the University of Pennsylvania after being VP.

Biden didn’t teach a single class.

13. Biden claimed his “great-grandpop was” a coal miner — something he has been saying for decades.

He wasn’t.

14. Biden said after he was elected VP, he awarded his Uncle Frank with a Purple Heart.

Biden’s uncle — who was not a Purple Heart recipient — died in 1999 and Biden wasn’t elected VP until 2008.

15. Biden claimed he hit a ball 368 feet “off the wall” at his second Congressional baseball game.

Biden actually went 0-2, according to a 1974 newspaper article.

16. Biden claimed his grandfather was an “All-American football player” at Santa Clara University.

Santa Clara and NCAA records show no evidence of Biden’s grandfather being an All-American.

17. Biden claimed he “could have been an All-American” football player.

Biden played on the *freshman* football team for part of *one* semester in college. That’s it.

18. Biden claimed he almost walked on to an NFL team and thought he “could make it in the pros.”

There is no evidence of this. Again, Biden barely played any college football.

19. Biden claimed he was “shot at” overseas — something he also lied about in 2007.

It never happened.

20. Biden said that when he was a County Council member, a woman once asked him to remove a dead dog from her lawn — but instead of removing it, Biden claimed he left it on her doorstep.

When Biden told the same story a year earlier, he said he removed it

21. Biden repeatedly claimed he was “involved” in the civil rights movement.

None of that is remotely true. Biden even admitted in 1987 he was “not an activist.”
Having a dog named shark at the beach was a bad idea
Why is there a highway to hell but only a stairway to heaven
It's wierd being the same age as old people
My mom didn't raise no dummy, if she did it would be my sister
I told my wife to embrace her faults......she hugged me
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Unread 14 May 2023, 02:39 PM
rich76 rich76 is offline
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Claim: The economy keeps growing more and more.

Fact: President Biden’s economic record continually falls short of expectations, and for 2022, economic growth was no exception. He has missed forecasts for seven of the last eight GDP reports, and the GDP report for the 4th Quarter of 2022 – which still fell short of expectations – showed that half of the economic growth was due to inventories, while investment was flagging.

Claim: Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare.

Fact: President Biden has been making inaccurate accusations about Republicans and fearmongering to scare seniors when Republicans have been clear we are not going to touch their retirement security. Biden has also been making Medicare and Social Security worse off — not protecting them. Medicare premiums have risen for seniors since 2020, while Biden’s ongoing inflation crisis has pushed Social Security further towards insolvency.

Claim: Take-home pay has gone up under President Biden.

Fact: Real wages have decreased 3.5 percent since he took office.

Claim: Democrats’ drug price controls have lowered the price of drugs.

Fact: As President Biden brags about killing cures with Washington price controls that will not be in effect for another three years, studies show his plan will put cures out of reach for most American patients, except the wealthiest.

Claim: Health care has become more affordable.

Fact: Health care affordability is getting worse under Democrats’ health care policies, including under President Biden’s watch. Health insurance premiums have increased 55 percent from 2013-2022, and more than doubled for Obamacare plans in that same period. Even Medicare premiums have increased 14 percent since President Biden took office.

In fact, the Federal Reserve of Dallas expects health care inflation to get even worse in 2023.

2. “We have created a record 12 million new jobs.”

Biden tries to count the jobs backfilled post-pandemic as “new” jobs, but these positions were already created and merely temporarily abandoned due to COVID-19. In reality, Biden has created 2.7 million net new jobs above what Donald Trump created. This job creation is only 60 percent of the 4.5 million net new jobs that Trump created in his first two years in office.

3: “[I have presided over] the largest deficit reduction in American history.”

Again, Biden is trying to take advantage of the moderation from the unique pandemic baseline. In reality, Biden has presided over the largest two-year deficit — $4.2 trillion — in American history. While it’s true the annual deficit is lower than during the once-in-a-century pandemic in 2020, due to the expiration of pandemic-era spending, that’s hardly something to cheer. In fact, Biden’s reckless spending has prevented the deficit from falling below the outrageous $1 trillion mark in 2022.

4: “Two years ago, our economy was reeling.”

President Trump presided over the fastest economic recovery in American history, with the economy expanding by 11 percent in his last six months in office. Unfortunately, instead of simply continuing Trump’s policies and riding his coattails to a rapid resurgence, Biden seized the opportunity to pass several trillion dollars’ worth of unnecessary spending that fueled historic inflation, putting a tremendous burden on small business owners and ordinary Americans.

5: Oil companies have “invested too little of th[eir] profit to increase domestic production and keep gas prices down.”

Oil companies would like to expand production to take advantage of high oil prices, but the Biden administration’s green energy policies make this very difficult. According to Heritage Foundation energy analyst Katie Tubb, the administration “has proposed or finalized regulations that restrict nearly every aspect of the oil industry: financing and private-sector investment, exploration and production, pipeline construction and operation, and consumer use.” Biden has issued the fewest drilling permits since the end of World War II. As a result, oil production is still lower than before the pandemic, and gas prices are far higher.

6: “Now, thanks to all we’ve done, we’re exporting American products.”

The same day as the State of the Union address, the government released 2022 trade figures showing the country hit a record trade deficit of almost $1 trillion last year. That’s up 12.2 percent compared to 2021, precisely the opposite direction of Biden’s claim. This unprecedented trade deficit is a direct consequence of Biden’s bad policies, including climate and labor overregulation, that make it expensive to manufacture goods in America.

7: The wealthy don’t “pay their fair share.”

This stale Democrat talking point seems to make it into every stump speech. But it couldn’t be further from the truth. The top 1 percent of highest-earning Americans pay nearly 50 percent of the nation’s income taxes — about twice their “share” of national income. According to a WalletHub analysis, the top 100 American corporations pay an effective tax rate of nearly 20 percent. (Smaller businesses pay even more.) These liabilities don’t include the high tax bills paid by companies’ shareholders and executives. The American tax system is one of the most progressive in the developed world, with job creators paying far more than their fair share, despite Democrats’ nonstop claims to the contrary.
Having a dog named shark at the beach was a bad idea
Why is there a highway to hell but only a stairway to heaven
It's wierd being the same age as old people
My mom didn't raise no dummy, if she did it would be my sister
I told my wife to embrace her faults......she hugged me
I took a DNA test- God is my father
When I ask if you want me to be honest, please say no
Unread 27 Jul 2023, 08:07 AM
rich76 rich76 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Southport, N.C.
Posts: 20,411

Having a dog named shark at the beach was a bad idea
Why is there a highway to hell but only a stairway to heaven
It's wierd being the same age as old people
My mom didn't raise no dummy, if she did it would be my sister
I told my wife to embrace her faults......she hugged me
I took a DNA test- God is my father
When I ask if you want me to be honest, please say no
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