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Unread 24 Jul 2007, 08:24 PM
-mmm- -mmm- is offline
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Default Sheehan to challenge Pelosi

Definitely not a ticket for conservatives with a weak stomach. Apparently Sheehan has had enough about the Dems leadership dragging their feet on challenging the President on his claims of broad executive power, for not bringing about impeachment, and for not doing anything substantive about Iraq. Her op-ed in the SF Chronicle.

Sheehan: Let's get away from usual party politics
Peace activist voices her independent streak

Cindy Sheehan

Sunday, July 22, 2007

The feedback I have been receiving since I announced that I would challenge U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, for her House seat -- unless she gives impeachment the go-ahead -- has been running about 3-to-1 positive.

Some people have offered to quit their jobs to move to California's Eighth Congressional District to help my possible campaign. People are lining up to donate and help, and I am again very grateful and touched beyond belief by the generosity and energy of my fellow Americans.

I truly understand the not-so-supportive people, though, because I have been in their shoes. Here in the United States, most of us put our faith in a two-party system that has failed peace and justice repeatedly. The Republicans do not have a monopoly on the culture of corruption (although BushCo has elevated it to policy status), and the way we do politics in this country needs a serious shakeup, when all we the people are getting is a shakedown.

I was frightened out of ever voting for a third party, or an independent candidate, but voting out of fear is one of the things that bestowed us with the Bush crime mob and may give us the Republican, if not in party affiliation, Hillary Clinton.

I was a lifelong Democrat only because the choices were limited. The Democrats are the party of slavery and were the party that started every war in the 20th century, except the other Bush debacle. The Federal Reserve, permanent federal income taxes, not one but two World Wars, Japanese concentration camps, and not one but two atom bombs dropped on the innocent citizens of Japan -- all brought to us via the Democrats.

Don't tell me the Democrats are our "saviors" because I am not buying it -- especially after they bought more caskets and more devastating pain when they financed and co-facilitated more of President Bush's abysmal occupation. The Democrats also are allowing a meltdown of our republic by allowing the evils of the executive branch to continue unrestrained by their silent complicity.

Good change has happened during Democratic regimes, but as in the civil rights and union movements, the positive changes occurred because of the people, not the politicians. I will run as an independent because I find the corruption in both parties unhealthy, and I believe we need to have more allegiance to humans than to a political party.

I have nothing personally against Pelosi and have found our previous interactions very pleasant. However, being "against" the occupation of Iraq means ending it by ending the funding, preventing future illegal wars of aggression and holding BushCo accountable. Words have to be backed up by action, and if they aren't, they are as empty as Vice President Dick Cheney's conscience.

If Pelosi does her constitutional and moral duty by Monday, then I believe some balance will be restored to the universe, and my organization, People for Humanity, can carry on with its humanitarian projects. If she doesn't, we will carry on anyway, with a political campaign to boot.

I hope this challenges other people who desire healthy political change and not temporary Band-Aids to replace other Democrats and Republicans who do not conform to the beatitudes of peace, sustainability and the rule of law for everybody, not just poor or marginalized people.

Being a born and raised Californian and being a Bay Area resident for the past 14 years have given me great insight into the people and concerns of San Francisco.

I am concerned with many of the same things: same-sex partnership laws, the environment, health care, affordable post-secondary education, better schools, counter-military recruitment, poverty, AIDS research and cures, decriminalization of marijuana, and especially stopping war and ensuring real peace.

I think I agree with Pelosi on many of these issues, but the difference is, I don't live in a mansion on the hill. Many of these issues have affected me and my family personally, and I am committed to fighting for the people, not the corporate interests.

I wouldn't put myself through this if I weren't dead serious and committed to making America a better country than we have now, and holding people to a much higher standard than politics as usual. I am rested, restored to health and ready to rumble. I realize that if ever there was a time for politics as unusual, it is now.

Cindy Sheehan is a peace activist whose son, Casey, was killed in Iraq. Contact us at [email protected].
The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them- Albert Einstein

Quinn: It was, kind of...what's that thing, when things turn funny? Moronic?
Jane: I think you mean ironic
Daria: She was right the first time
Unread 25 Jul 2007, 12:32 AM
spoc22 spoc22 is offline
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What a zoo!!! This will be a test to see how far to the left California really is. San Fran Nan is a looney tunes whacko but Sheehan is soooooooooooo far left she makes Michael Moore look like a right winger.
Just some thoughts

Did BO bring change we can believe in or is he trying to change what we believe in?

Things which seemed reasonable were often untrue..Other things were partly true and partly untrue..A few things were really true.
- Wilbur Wright
Unread 25 Jul 2007, 01:28 AM
hork hork is offline
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Originally Posted by spoc22 View Post
What a zoo!!! This will be a test to see how far to the left California really is. San Fran Nan is a looney tunes whacko but Sheehan is soooooooooooo far left she makes Michael Moore look like a right winger.
then i guess i'm as left as one can get (i always did think Moore's movies were a bit too soft on neo-cons and bushco in general now that i think about it)

i agree that our nation is severly lacking behind many other developed nations when it comes to many of the following: same-sex partnership laws, the environment, health care, affordable post-secondary education, better schools, port security (well unless other nations have a desire to outsource their national security to nations they list as state sponsors of terror).

and I find myself completely agreeing that more substantative focus and work needs to be done in all of the following areas easing poverty, advaning medical research and finding more treatments and cures to debiltating illnesses, decriminalization of marijuana, and ending the disaster in Iraq focusing on establishing a real and enduring peace rather than the next business opportunity for friends and family, and a return to the idea that no man is above the law (we held that belief briefly in the 90's but as with most things American that went out the window shortly after 2001).

add to that my insane belief that all people are created equal and endowed with certain inaleinable rights. coupled with an outdated belief in that "god damn piece of paper" especially it's first 10 Ammendments and they'll have to find a new label for me, what's left of left?
True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else. - Clarence Darrow

Widespread intellectual and moral docility may be convenient for leaders in the short term, but it is suicidal for nations in the long term. One of the criteria for national leadership should therefore be a talent for understanding, encouraging, and making constructive use of vigorous criticism. - Carl Sagan
Unread 25 Jul 2007, 09:54 AM
-mmm- -mmm- is offline
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Originally Posted by spoc22 View Post
What a zoo!!! This will be a test to see how far to the left California really is. San Fran Nan is a looney tunes whacko but Sheehan is soooooooooooo far left she makes Michael Moore look like a right winger.
Not all of Cali is as liberal as you might think. After all the OC and suburban San Diego is about as conservative as you can get without going to Idaho or Utah...and Nixon, Reagan, and current Presidential candidate Duncan Hunter are all Golden Staters.

The thing about Cali house races is that the districts there are gerrymandered for incumbent protection. In the 2006 elections, only 1 seat flipped (Jerry Pombo), and that was due to a perfect storm of candidate corruption, a focused effort from environmental groups to unseat him, and the blue wave that swept the country. Even the few open seats (off the top of my head, Duke Cunningham and Duncan Hunter's old seats that were both around San Diego) stayed in the same parties hands. 1 out of 53 seats changing party hands is a remarkably low rate of turnover.

I do find some sad humor though that someone (and not necessarily just you, it seems to be the norm in modern political coverage) call it a "zoo" when someone more liberal than someone else runs for a seat, Im guessing due to the trying to shift to a more extreme paradigm for a platform; but if you get someone more conservative than someone else even if the challenger is more extreme to the right (ie the Hagel conversation we had) thats all to be expected.
The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them- Albert Einstein

Quinn: It was, kind of...what's that thing, when things turn funny? Moronic?
Jane: I think you mean ironic
Daria: She was right the first time
Unread 27 Jul 2007, 02:18 AM
spoc22 spoc22 is offline
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Originally Posted by -mmm- View Post
Not all of Cali is as liberal as you might think.
I live in California and it's more liberal than you think. The only major office held by a Republican is Governor and that he was only elected because he is a liberal in Republican clothing and the previous Gov was so incompetent that his own party overwhelmingly participated in his ouster.
BTW my "zoo" comment had nothing to do with how liberal one candidate is vs the other. I was talking about Sheehan all by herself.
Just some thoughts

Did BO bring change we can believe in or is he trying to change what we believe in?

Things which seemed reasonable were often untrue..Other things were partly true and partly untrue..A few things were really true.
- Wilbur Wright

Unread 27 Jul 2007, 02:54 AM
spoc22 spoc22 is offline
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Originally Posted by hork View Post
then i guess i'm as left as one can get (i always did think Moore's movies were a bit too soft on neo-cons and bushco in general now that i think about it)

i agree that our nation is severly lacking behind many other developed nations when it comes to many of the following: same-sex partnership laws, the environment, health care, affordable post-secondary education, better schools, port security (well unless other nations have a desire to outsource their national security to nations they list as state sponsors of terror).
Right People are just flocking to what other countries for medical attention? And of course with you being a prof, you'd know how many American students are leaving the country to get a better education as opposed to how many are coming here for that purpose.

Originally Posted by hork View Post
and I find myself completely agreeing that more substantative focus and work needs to be done in all of the following areas easing poverty, advan[c]ing medical research and finding more treatments and cures to debiltating illnesses, decriminalization of marijuana, and ending the disaster in Iraq focusing on establishing a real and enduring peace rather than the next business opportunity for friends and family, and a return to the idea that no man is above the law (we held that belief briefly in the 90's but as with most things American that went out the window shortly after 2001).
While there is always room for improvement, I have to point out that those in "poverty" here in America have a higher standard of living than almost anyplace else in the world, despite our national fascination with lawsuits, there is more new medicine and medical research coming from this country than anywhere else in the world AND no other country even comes close to the amount of charitable giving towards medical cure research given by Americans. As far as the other issues, we'll just have to agree to disagree as to the worthiness of those causes.

Originally Posted by hork View Post
add to that my insane belief that all people are created equal and endowed with certain inal[ie]nable rights. coupled with an outdated belief in that "god damn piece of paper" especially it's first 10 Ammendments and they'll have to find a new label for me, what's left of left?
On this we both agree. The problem is we disagree on the definition of those rights and what "equality" entails. Where I have a problem is that those who share my beliefs as to those definitions are demonized by your side. The basis for my beliefs are not only questioned but deemed invalid. When I don't share your beliefs, I'm branded a biggot, homophobe or worse.
Just some thoughts

Did BO bring change we can believe in or is he trying to change what we believe in?

Things which seemed reasonable were often untrue..Other things were partly true and partly untrue..A few things were really true.
- Wilbur Wright
Unread 27 Jul 2007, 01:38 PM
-mmm- -mmm- is offline
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Originally Posted by spoc22 View Post
When I don't share your beliefs, I'm branded a biggot, homophobe or worse.
Or being called a radical, a liberal, fanatical, criminal.

Whoops damn Supertramp's "Logical Song" being stuck in my head
The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them- Albert Einstein

Quinn: It was, kind of...what's that thing, when things turn funny? Moronic?
Jane: I think you mean ironic
Daria: She was right the first time
Unread 27 Jul 2007, 11:58 PM
spoc22 spoc22 is offline
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Originally Posted by -mmm- View Post
Or being called a radical, a liberal, fanatical, criminal.
Well we are never called liberal but the others can go on my previous list.
Just some thoughts

Did BO bring change we can believe in or is he trying to change what we believe in?

Things which seemed reasonable were often untrue..Other things were partly true and partly untrue..A few things were really true.
- Wilbur Wright
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